
Selling Your Unique Value Proposition

In the real estate world, the vast majority of agents are virtually indistinguishable from each other — they all look the same, talk the same and promise the same, and then wonder why prospects see real estate agents as commodities rather than people. So how do you set yourself apart from this sea of sameness and demonstrate your value to prospects? Determine your unique value proposition!

To start thinking through your key selling point, jot down five answers to each of the following questions:

  1. What do you personally offer your clients, and what are the benefits? Perhaps you specialize in a certain segment of the industry like new homes or relocation, or you cater to a specific audience like millennials or empty nesters. Own that specialty and show your clients how your expertise will reap economic rewards for them.
  2. What does your office offer, and what are the benefits? Maybe you belong to a great network of other professionals you can rely on or refer to.
  3. What does ReeceNichols offer, and what are the benefits? ReeceNichols offers a robust Family of Services that complement your offerings and provide maximum benefits to your clients. Many of these professionals work out of our offices — adding an additional layer of convenience for your clients.

After writing down your answers to the above questions, take your responses and think critically about how they set you apart from other agents. It may be helpful to use these questions to jog your thinking:

  • Who’s my target customer?
  • What’s the benefit for my target customer?
  • What’s the need I’m filling or the opportunity I’m offering?
  • What’s unique about my delivery?
  • What’s unique about my service?

These answers will help guide your unique value proposition. Written down, your selling point should only be two to three sentences and will roll naturally off your tongue. Practice talking up your value and tweak it slightly to reflect different conversations, like with buyers, sellers, cold calls and more. Ideally, your unique value proposition will sound organic and natural when you incorporate it into your marketing pieces and meetings.

If you want to take it to the next level, consider these questions to amplify your unique value proposition:

  • What industry norms does my company bend or break?
  • What’s unique about my personality?
  • What’s my story?
  • What’s unique about my best customers?
  • Do you see a common word in these questions?

Written by Krista Wilson
Managing Broker
ReeceNichols Real Estate, The Village